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Renate Willmer

Intuitive abstract artist

"Art washes the dust of

everyday from the soul"

-Pablo Picasso-


Emotional paintings that touch

 your soul.


Unique intuitive art painted with a positive feeling that speaks to you and puts you in a good mood. My aim is to create joy, optimism and caresses for the soul. 





The start is intuitive, the motivation changing - sometimes it is a feeling, an energy, an inspiration, a memory, a place or a personal encounter that inspires me.


To give my creations the lightness I so desire, I stay intuitive until the end, taking risks and painting over beautiful details of my art - to get an even stronger result in the end. 


Many layers of paint, charcoal, collage, tools and mediums help me bring out deeper details and bring everything into alignment. Each unique piece takes a lot of time and patience to develop. 


My goal is achieved when I find the image captivating and it triggers something in me. If my art also triggers feelings or thoughts in you, is my best confirmation.



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To see new pictures of me earlier, first benefit from news from my studio or exhibitions  - feel free to contact me directly, or sign up for my newsletter:


Please use this form too, if you want to buy an artwork. My store is still under construction.  Thank you for your understanding.

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